How does it work?
Digital services today often require verified information about users. PingOne Credentials makes it easy for a business to get those verified credentials simply and securely.
Here's how it works:
The relying party attests the proof the user provided is true and accurate. Using this information they create a cryptographically signed verifiable credential.
The verifiable credential is automatically added to the user’s digital wallet.
The user can then share the credential data with the business that requires it (the verifier).
Terraform Example
If you are already a Terraform expert, you may also use our PingOne Neo Getting Started via Terraform example to get your environment and Ping configuration stood up. Continue on to learn about the technical concepts around PingOne Neo.
Preview Demos
The following demos show you a preview of how PingOne Credentials perform credential issuance and credential verification. Explore our Product Demos under Issuing Credentials and Verifying Credentials to see actual product demonstrations powering the experience.